Will Sony Run the LG Blockade?


It won't be easy and it won't be cheap, but a aggregation loophole could allow Sony to shunt LG's enjoining against PlayStation 3 shipments to Europe.

Eyebrows went up earlier this workweek when PlayStation 3 shipments to Europe were halted by an injunction arising from a manifest infringement complaint filed against Sony by LG Electronics. Custom officials in the Netherlands seized tens of thousands of the consoles as a upshot, leaving just fortnight worth of inventory on the continent. The enjoinment is merely good for 10 days but Sony imports 100,000 PS3s into Europe every week and LG could very well go second to Margaret Court and attempt to have got the enjoining extended. That's some serious bad news program.

Which is why Sony might actually think the "logistical incubus" of bypassing the injunction away bringing shipments in done ports out of doors Kingdom of The Netherlands. Presently the PS3 supply for Europe and the U.K. comes in through Rotterdam and Amsterdam but since the injunction is valid lonesome in the The Netherlands, Sony could conceivably, and de jure, send those shipments elsewhere. There would nearly surely be hassles active above and on the far side the obvious trouble of rerouting 100,000 PS3s a week to other ports but Sony could at least manage those issues away throwing money at them, something it can't do against a court order from 's Gravenhage.

Further complicating the post is the need to keep everything on the down-low in order to dodge LG carry out on other fronts for as long as possible. Piece other European nations may non allow for "prejudgment seizure" As in the Nederland, an enjoinment against the sale of infringing devices is always happening the tabular array. If Sony is able to go the blockade, and then to speak, LG will be forced to quest after it country by country if it's serious about cutting off the PS3 append – although saddling Sony with the expense and aggravation of complete this additive dicking around might be decent to keep it golden while the infringement case works its way through the courts.

And you thought international patent law was dull.

Source: The Guardian


Source: https://www.escapistmagazine.com/will-sony-run-the-lg-blockade/

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